We are formed by whatever we give our attention to. At Eastside, we desire to be formed through spending time in God’s Word together.
This isn’t merely a reading plan. Rather than simply ingesting information, our goals are to get to know God more each day and hear clearly from Him as to how we might live our lives and love our neighbors. God really does speak. Let’s hear from Him together! You don’t have to be an expert to join in!
This isn’t merely a reading plan. Rather than simply ingesting information, our goals are to get to know God more each day and hear clearly from Him as to how we might live our lives and love our neighbors. God really does speak. Let’s hear from Him together! You don’t have to be an expert to join in!
1) Surrender through Prayer
Ask God to use your time in His Word to speak to you and make your heart more like Christ's.
2) Listen to God
Read and meditate on the passage(s) of Scripture. Consider reading aloud.
3) Respond in Prayer
Pray through what you learned. Consider writing out your prayer.
4) Prepare for Community
Consider what you might share with others about how the passage has impacted you.